Category: Collisions

Death and serious injuries are an unacceptable price to pay for speed on city streets. Humans make mistakes. Streets can be redesigned for safety and compensate for human imperfection. Those are the key premises of Vision Zero, which we wrote about last February. A year later, we are encouraged to see that Vision Zero is […]

In a recent Ontario motor vehicle accident case, the driver of the first car (the “First Driver”) was hit from behind by the driver of the second car (the “Second Driver”), who suffered injuries and sued for damages.  As the court explained, this situation where a driver sues who has rear ended another driver is […]

The recent Ontario case Unifund Assurance Co. v. ACE INA Insurance Co. which involved a motor vehicle and a pedestrian highlights the “transmission of force” principle which is fundamental to resolving insurance claims involving multi car accidents in determining which vehicle is the root cause of the accident. It is this principle which plays a […]

Summer is the season for family vacations, with many people choosing to enjoying time at a cottage. But summer is also the prime season for boating accidents. These can happen in a split second, but the repercussions can be tragic and long-lasting. They may even result in personal injury litigation which can take years to […]

In civil trials by jury, the juror selection process aims to weed out and exclude anyone who might be not be impartial as between the two sides of the dispute. Potential jurors can be excluded if they have a conflict of interest that is likely to affect their impartiality. In the case of a driver […]

You emerged with no broken bones, cuts or scratches. You were thankful and relieved that you survived a car accident without any injuries. But a few days or weeks later, you started to notice you were definitely not okay. Invisible or delayed injuries after car accidents are extremely common and yet there isn’t a lot […]

For the last few years, the OPP has held their Distracted Driving Awareness week in March. Every year, we hope that distracted driving statistics will go down, but inevitably, they do not. This year, the OPP announced that 65 people lost their lives due to distracted driving in 2016. Tragically, that is “more than drinking […]

Although we wrote about snowmobile safety a few weeks ago, in light of a recent report from the Ontario Provincial Police, it’s a topic worth reemphasizing. Earlier this week, the OPP released a report on fatal snowmobile incidents to date for the 2016-2017 season. The numbers are shocking: fatalities have more than doubled this season […]

There’s no doubt: one of the most revolutionary innovations of the 21st century has got to be self-driving cars (also known as autonomous vehicles or AVs). Though the possibility of self-driving cars has been around for many years, it wasn’t until the Ontario government announced that an official pilot program for driverless vehicles would be […]

Canada is known for ranking among the top countries in the world by all sorts of measures, though it’s often edged out by Scandinavian countries with top-notch social, health, and transportation policies. The topic of today’s post is a great example of progressive Swedish thinking: the Vision Zero movement. This road safety strategy is gaining […]