Category: Collisions

car accident

Driving without insurance in Ontario is a serious matter, carrying substantial financial and legal risks. Many people are aware that driving without insurance is illegal, but some may not realize this can include situations where coverage has unintentionally lapsed due to administrative errors or policy changes. If an accident occurs, the repercussions can be severe—from […]

Emotions can run high in the wake of a car accident, so it’s easy to make decisions that aren’t to your advantage and can complicate matters in the long run. The steps you take are important for your personal safety, as well as legal and insurance reasons. Below is a list of things you should […]

Every year, thousands of Ontarians are involved in traffic accidents. In 2020, the latest year for which statistics are available, there were a staggering 23,689 collisions in Ontario. In those collisions, 31, 538 people were injured. Tragically, 535 people lost their lives. This post is part of our series on Ontario auto insurance benefits. It […]

This is the latest in our series on what benefits you’re entitled to through no-fault auto insurance if you’re injured in a car accident in Ontario. What happens if you are a student at the time of your accident, and your injuries make it impossible to continue your program? Under section 21 of the Statutory […]

This is the latest in our series on what benefits you’re entitled to through no-fault auto insurance if you’re injured in a car accident in Ontario. There are several “key” categories of benefits which we’ve already covered (you can find links to articles on those benefits at the end of this post), but there are […]

A couple of months ago, we wrote about what makes something a “minor injury” in terms of car accident benefits. Today we’re going to review the other two categories of injury: “non-catastrophic” and “catastrophic”. Before we get into the details, it’s important to explain that “minor injury” and “catastrophic injury” are both categorizations made in […]

The Minor Injury Guideline (MIG) is a policy under Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), which is a piece of legislation that sets out the rights, responsibilities and rules for insurance companies and insured persons in dealing with auto insurance claims. The current version of the MIG was released in 2014. What is a Minor […]

After a recent spate of wildlife collisions on Ontario’s roads, it’s a good time to review some strategies to avoid hitting deer and other wildlife while behind the wheel. Deer collisions happen year-round, but according to the Canada Safety Council, they “peak in October and November, which is the mating season and the time for […]

There’s a new road safety tool on the streets of Ottawa and other communities throughout Ontario: photo radar. Also known as “automated speed enforcement” (ASE), these speed cameras are now in place in various school zones in Ottawa as part of a pilot project, which began July 13th after a four-month delay due to the […]

The great weather during the last few days of spring is irresistible for motorcyclists in Ontario. After a long winter and months of isolation to keep safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s understandable that people are especially keen to get some rides in as summer arrives. Yet not everyone who goes out on their motorcycle […]