Signs Your LTD Benefits Might End

If you’ve been unable to work due to a disabling medical condition and are receiving long-term disability (LTD) benefits, you should be aware of signs that they may be coming to an end.

These benefits can be so important if you’re struggling with a disability as well as the challenge to meet financial needs, so you should know in advance if they might be terminated.

In Ontario, LTD benefits typically continue until one of the following happens:

  • Benefits have reached their maximum duration as outlined in the policy
  • Your medical condition has improved and the policy’s definition of disability is no longer met

One important thing to look out for is whether your insurance company is communicating with you more frequently with letters, email, or phone calls. This could indicate that it is taking a closer look at your claim.

If your insurance company is asking for additional documentation or medical evaluations, it may be considering terminating or reducing your benefits

Evidence to define disability

Since insurance companies require ongoing medical documentation supporting the continuation of LTD benefits, they need sufficient medical evidence to support continuing to meet the definition of disability. You may have vocational or functional assessments to evaluate your ability to work. If these assessments suggest that you can perform some type of work, even if it’s different from your previous occupation, your benefits can be terminated or reduced.

Many policies don’t end until you’re 65 but others have defined payment periods for up to five or ten years. If your LTD policy has specific terms or definitions related to the return to work and you reach the maximum duration or age limit that’s outlined, you should be aware that your benefits can be terminated.

Insurance company also may conduct surveillance or investigations to collect evidence on your activities and limitations. Your benefits may end if the surveillance suggests that you have misrepresented your condition or abilities.

Review your policy

It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your specific LTD policy to understand when your benefits might end. Consult with a personal injury lawyer for guidance if you observe any of these signs or have concerns about the potential termination of your LTD benefits. A lawyer can provide advice based on your policy’s terms, your medical conditions and the applicable laws and regulations.

If you need answers to questions about whether your LTD benefits might be ending, please contact us to arrange a free consultation.