Spotlight on SABS: Attendant Care Benefits
This is the third post in our “Spotlight on SABS” series, which delves into what auto insurance benefits you’re entitled to if you are hurt in a car accident in Ontario. In our previous posts, we looked at the basics of SABS and medical and rehabilitation benefits. Today we’ll continue with another type of benefit: attendant care.
What are Attendant Care Benefits?
If you require care as a result of your injuries, this covers the cost of a caregiver or attendant to assist you with things like:
- Dressing & grooming
- Bathing & using the bathroom
- Preparing meals and eating
- Moving around your home
- Going with you to appointments
- Orthotics and prosthetics
- More complex care needs if applicable
The benefit could help pay for an attendant to care for you at home or care in a long-term care facility.
Who can provide attendant care?
Clients sometimes wonder if a friend or family member can be reimbursed for providing attendant care duties, or if it must be a personal support worker or other professional who delivers this service. The answer? Generally, friends or family members can only be paid if they incur an economic loss to provide that care.
Most commonly, this criteria would be met if the friend or family member takes unpaid time off work or must leave school to care for the injured person. Every situation is different, so please reach out to an experienced car accident lawyer for help.
How much does the benefit pay?
Under the standard auto insurance policy, the benefit is paid monthly, and the maximum depends on your level of injury. The amount of coverage for attendant care can be increased with the purchase of optional benefits.
- Non-catastrophic: up to $3,000 per month for up to 5 years
- Catastrophic: up to $6,000 a month until death.
It’s important to understand that attendant care, medical and rehabilitation benefits have a combined maximum of $65,000 for non-catastrophic injuries or $1,00,000 for catastrophic injuries.
Attendant Care benefits are not available to those whose injuries fall under the Minor Injury Guideline.
How to apply for Attendant Care Benefits?
You will need to work with a registered nurse or occupational therapist to prepare and submit a form, Assessment of Attendant Care Needs (Form 1), to your insurer.